Saturday, September 8, 2012

Growing Girl!

My little baby Livi isn't such a little baby anymore!  At her six month check up she weighed 19 pounds 12 ounces and she was 27 inches long (94th percentile in both).  We have had lots of changes around our house, and lots of these changes make me sad because it means she is growing up!  She is now eating baby food, and she loves it!  She has tried bananas, peas, grean beans, carrots and peaches.  She is also starting to use a sippy cup.  Livi now sleeps in her own room and is almost sleeping through the night.  We had to let her cry herself to sleep, which was SO hard but very worth it. She has also learned how to sleep without being swaddled!  This is something we have been trying to get her to do FOREVER, so it's kinda a big deal for us.  Livi's new favorite thing to say is "da da", she says it all day long.  It's super cute, but I'm not gonna lie I'm a little bitter she said da da before mama! She can now sit up on her own, and loves playing with her toys.  She is definitely getting more of a personality, she throws little tantrums when she doesn't get her way, and she is very vocal. I just started giving her a bath in the bath tub instead of the sink, and she loves it.  she is able to move around and splash! She loves this show called yo gaba gaba.....Jose and I make fun of it on a daily basis because it is completely ridiculous, but it keeps her entertained so that's all that matters! She hasn't started crawling yet, but it sure doesn't seem to stop her from getting where she wants to go!  She rolls all over the place! We're a little bit obsessed with her :)

My mom helped me make all of Livi's baby food